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Najděte inspiraci pro svoje soft-skills


A sabbatical — defined here as an intentional extended leave from your job-related work — may seem out of reach for many workers. But if you can swing it, the potential payoff is enormous. In fact, taking one could be transformational for your life and career. Research and interviews with more than 250 sabbatical-takers reveal the key attributes that define these breaks, the three distinct sabbatical types, and the hurdles one must overcome to persuade bosses, colleagues, and yourself that it’s a good idea.


In a fast-changing world, it requires both a strategy and disciplined execution to stand out and remain relevant. And since your own career interests, goals, and objectives are likely changing more rapidly than ever, don’t assume that your internal state of mind is reflected in your public brand. Indeed, there’s often a lag between our self-perception and how others view us, and we have to consciously focus on closing that gap to achieve the brand or reputation we seek. The authors present four key steps to consider to ensure you’re offered relevant opportunities and can deploy your full talents.


This is a conversation on handling uncomfortable situations. Many managers don’t know what to say when a team member appears angry, frustrated, or sad. They might even feel it is unprofessional to acknowledge those feelings at all. However, research shows that avoidance is costly. Teams perform better when their leaders respond effectively to members’ emotions.


Accountability is the only way that anything gets done at scale. Here are some ways that smart people screw up accountability on their teams, often despite the best of intentions – and what to do about them.


Who doesn’t appreciate the acknowledgment of their efforts and wins, or like to impress others occasionally? It’s equally important to cultivate internal validation: a deeper sense of self-worth that is free from the wavering opinions of others and the momentary dopamine hit of a gold star. Developing internal validation isn’t about cultivating baseless confidence or inflating your ego. Rather, it’s about counterbalancing common workplace features. In this article, the author shares four strategies to balance your perspective and stay self-assured despite external pressures and challenging work environments.


Have you ever thought you can’t do something because you’re “not wired that way”? Neuroscientist Chantel Prat might challenge you to rethink your beliefs. Chantel dispels some sticky myths about right-brainers and left-brainers, shares her research on how learning to code depends more on verbal skills than math skills, and generates some hypotheses about Adam’s brain.


When our society talks about leaders, we focus on formal roles, such as the CEO. This view undervalues the role of informal leaders—team members who influence outcomes by the tone they set, how they conduct themselves, and how they interact with their peers. Their job title doesn’t include the word “manager,” but they play an outsize role in how teams perform. In this article, NFL great Tom Brady and Nitin Nohria, of Harvard Business School, present a set of principles that people in any realm can apply to help teams successfully work together toward common goals.


Dr. Ayelet Fishbach is a psychology professor and an expert on the science of motivation. She will teach us how to set smarter goals and provide science-based strategies for reaching them.


Psychologist Adam Grant stops by to talk with Maya about his new book “Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things.” They talk about how to filter out unhelpful feedback, the benefits of imperfectionism, and why we need to give soft skills more respect. One key takeaway? It is never too late to start!


Nabízím zkratku k tomu podstatnému ze tří rozhovorů, které mapují potřeby v různých fázích života vývojářů. 🚀O juniorech s Honzou Javorkem. 🧑‍🎓Jak se z vývojáře stát manažerem s Honzou Mísařem a Davidem Bilíkem. 🧐O těch, kdo se do manažerských rolí nehrnou s Rikim Fridrichem a Alešem Roubíčkem.


#Schůzky, #porady a #meetingy. Téma věčné nejistoty, respektive prostor pro ni. A přitom stačí tak málo, aby pro vás schůzky byly efektivním nástrojem, který vám vždy pomůže vaši práci dělat lépe. Jak? Čtěte první #PeopleOps #Letter!


Na letošním FrontKonu jsem dostala příležitost přednášet. Základní pravidla práce s lidmi se můj talk jmenoval. A první otázka, co mi ráno ve foyer Riki Fridrich položil? Myslíš, že to tady bude někoho zajímat? Well, moje poselství bylo vlastně super jednoduché: Soft skills patří i do techu!


Holding in anxiety, anger, or despair for the sake of appearing professional can feel impossible. When the emotions are just too much—your boss’s dismissive tone infuriates you, a direct report unloads, you can’t hold back tears in a meeting, a tragedy happens, and you’re leading an all-staff tomorrow morning—what do you do? Mollie West Duffy talks about the good that can come from being vulnerable with colleagues, and then Liz Fosslien returns to help us reassess where the line between vulnerability and oversharing is today.


I’ve given a lot of direct feedback. Sometimes, it’s been challenging to do, like when it’s critical feedback to a coworker I don’t know well. Other times, it’s been fun, like when I remember saying aloud, “Hey – nice work on that project.” These moments dominate my personal highlight reel from the last five years because they’ve been great experiences for both of us. Feedback is a gift. My goal is to get everyone reading this to give their peers more effective feedback.


I regularly get questions about handling underperformance on LinkedIn and in sessions of my course, Senior Engineer to Lead: Grow and Thrive in the Role. Many first-time managers struggle with this issue, and the reason is that it’s not straightforward. It has many nuances, and it varies depending on the specific case.


Having a good manager is a blessing. Here's how to spot one! Your manager is one of the most important people for your growth in the organization. I’ve grown from engineer to CTO, and I’ll share my take on what makes a good manager from both sides → as an IC and a manager. Paid article


When you’ve gone after something you want, like a promotion or less tedious work, did you follow the typical advice to lean hard into your confident, forceful side? When interacting with people at work, how often do you find yourself deflecting praise, downplaying your accomplishments, or responding “busy!” when someone asks how you’re doing? We frequently trade between being likeable and strong, but is it possible to be both assertive and warm?


It’s easy to get angry when you’re constantly picking up the slack or fixing mistakes caused by a rule-breaker. The unfairness of it all can also get under your skin and cause resentment. But you can’t just march up to them and demand they stop ignoring standards. Ordering them to fall in line rarely works. Here are five strategies for how to address the issue without creating hostility or damaging your working relationship.


High performers are essential to a team’s success, often producing significantly more output than their peers. However, research shows that they often receive lower-quality feedback. Managers tend to focus on lower performers, neglecting the development needs of high performers. High performers tend to thrive on feedback and are motivated by it. To engage and retain high performers, managers should provide constructive feedback, highlighting areas of growth.

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